%Designed by Aaron Erlich for UW CSSS classes %Feel free to use and modify \title{CSSS: HW1} \author{Aaron Erlich} \date{\today} \documentclass{article} \usepackage{graphicx} %%for pdfs, jpgs and pngs \usepackage{multirow} %%for multicolumn spanning \usepackage{dcolumn} %%line stuff up under the decimal places \usepackage{enumerate} %%fancier enumeration \usepackage{hyperref} %%for hyperlinks \usepackage[all]{hypcap} \usepackage{float} %%put floats exactly where you want them \usepackage{amsmath,amssymb} % %math fun \usepackage{listings} %%for putting code at the end of an assignment \usepackage{pdflscape} %%for landscaping \usepackage{booktabs} \usepackage{fullpage} %%larger margins \usepackage{natbib} %%bibtex stuff \bibpunct{(}{)}{;}{a}{,}{,} \newcommand{\BibTeX}{{\sc Bib}\TeX} %set output for listings package \lstset{ language=R, basicstyle=\scriptsize\ttfamily, numbers=left, stepnumber=1, numbersep=5pt, showspaces=false, showstringspaces=false, showtabs=false, frame=single, tabsize=2, captionpos=b, breaklines=true, breakatwhitespace=false, title=\lstname, escapeinside={}, keywordstyle={}, morekeywords={} } \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{enumerate} \item According to my Figure ~\ref{gull}, the bird flies. % makes as for the first level \begin{figure} [!h] \begin{center} \caption{my gull} \label{gull} \includegraphics[scale=.3]{} \end{center} \end{figure} \end{enumerate} %landscaped results \begin{landscape} \begin{table} \caption{Hazard ratios for Cox proportional hazard models with robust standard errors presented in parentheses $***p < .001 ** p < .01 * p < .05$} \label{results} \end{table} \end{landscape} \section*{Code} \begin{lstlisting} rm(list=ls()) library(foreign) #library(memisc) library(survey) library(car) library(simcf) library(nnet) #library(ROCR) library(tile) \end{lstlisting} \end{document}